Critical Thinking In a Passive World

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The “Transgender” Industry - In Pictures

For more information about this issue, watch The Business Model of Youth Transitioning on YouTube.

You can find a lot of information online about how to have a successful start-up…

Building a startup that will last, How to choose the most profitable business model

A Unicorn start-up company has a current valuation of US$1 billion or more.

Unicorn, How to Build a Unicorn Startup

These start-ups need to find a solution to a problem, and often will redefine an old problem to invent a new solution. Cross-dressing > Transsexualism > Gender Identity Disorder > Gender Dysphoria > Gender Identities

Gender Hurts by Sheila Jeffreys

The “old” problem of body/sex dysphoria has an “old” solution, which is known as “watchful waiting.” Considering that the overwhelming majority of children, adolescents and adults that experience body/sex dysphoria will eventually reconcile with their biological sex when given the support and tools necessary, “watchful waiting” is an actual, compassionate solution. It does not create a marketable product, though.

This is the new, marketable solution…

Mandatory Gender Affirmation

Ladies and gentlemen, the brand and the marketing…

The marketing for this brand is phenomenal. Netflix specials, bias and controlled media coverage, fundraising, support and endorsement from major corporations, Big Pharma, celebrities, Big Banks, and the world’s largest law firm…

…which has ties to/represents/is partnered with Big Oil, Big Pharma, billionaires, Big Business, banks and the medical industry, just to name a few.

The tactics used to make this successful are wide-reaching and often underhanded.

Opposition to the solution, the product or the brand is silenced and the aim is to criminalise these forms of dissent.

Dentons/Thomson Reuters Foundation document - Only Adults? Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition For Youth

This start-up has successfully built up the customer base, the marketing, support etc. and has managed to infiltrate all levels of politics and legislation and so on. Their customers will be dependent on prescription drugs and surgeries and medical assistance for their entire lives. The product is being purchased/consumed, as well as marketed, pushed and solidified across the planet.

Sex Reassignment Surgery Market to hit USD 1.5 Bn by 2026, The staggering costs of being transgender in the US, Follow the Money: How the Pritzker Family Makes a Killing From the Transgender Industry (Flow Chart) by Jennifer Bilek

That Unicorn looks happy.

- Critical Thinker

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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For further information on this issue, check out Jennifer Bilek’s the 11th Hour Blog, and check out Transgender Industry Trends in Australia to learn more.