IWD 2021 - A Day of Violence Toward Women That Continues Through March 4 Justice

International Women’s Day is, wait for it…..an international day of recognition of women and our oppression and the fight against that oppression, yet, you really wouldn’t have known about the day at all if you were out in your local city or at the shops. That is insulting, but there are bigger fish to fry in this article.

If you did happen to see, hear or read anything about International Women’s Day, chances are that the message was watered-down, or downright absurd, in the name of “inclusivity.” I put that word in apostrophes because the actions done in the name of “inclusivity” are anything but.

The messages being shared around social media on IWD 2021 were mainly about, you guessed it, “trans women,” who are better known as males/men. The trans lobby has successfully infiltrated the one day meant to focus on women and our struggles. Good on ya, you bullies.

But, I haven’t even got to the worst, most disgusting and unforgiveable part….

The daft, violent trans-mobs attacked women on International Women’s Day. THEY ATTACKED WOMEN ON INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY!

Reports are still surfacing of the verbal and physical attacks that women endured on the day, but so far we know that women in Melbourne and in France were harassed, intimidated and physically assaulted. Elbows to the ribs, surrounding disabled and elderly women, throwing eggs at women and more. This is how the trans lobby celebrated International Women’s Day 2021.

There is some video footage of the harassment, intimidation and violence that women in Melbourne were subjected to before being made to leave by Police, instead of the aggressors being made to leave.



Here are links to Tweets with video footage and testimony about what happened to women in France:



Meanwhile, across cities and states in Australia, the trans lobby has taken over numerous private groups and pages for the (Women’s) March 4 Justice. This Australia-wide event began as a much needed response to the recent revelations of rape of women within politics at the hands of elected leaders, and the fact that these crimes are being covered up and overlooked. Unfortunately, the events do not speak for women anymore. In fact, most of the events have removed “Women” from the event title. The March 4 Justice is not for women or our rights, and the Australian media and public need to know that women do not support this event. Well, that is, women that understand we are oppressed based on our biological sex and not a feeling or thought in our head.

At least one trans-identified-male, that calls himself “Sarah,” is an admin for the main group, which has over 20,000 members, and the Perth group, which has around 1000 members. This man has repeatedly bragged about banning/blocking women from the groups and pages. These women include survivors of the sex-trade and survivors of other forms of male-violence. This man that pretends he is a woman is inciting hate and anger toward women, too. He repeatedly uses slurs like “SWERF” and “TERF” to aim hate and disgust at women that refuse to play along with his false fantasy. He has labeled an estimate of over a hundred women of being bigots. Perhaps now is a good time to remind people of what the definition of bigot is.

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices

especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group [OR SEX]) with hatred and intolerance

So, who is the bigot in this scenario? (That is rhetorical. I know who the bigots are, and it’s not the women being silenced)

This man, who clearly has a vendetta against females, has droves of women pandering to his ego on Twitter and Facebook. If you just ate, it may not be wise to view the following images for another 20-30 minutes. The level of gaslighting, lying, hatred for women and boot-licking occurring in this Twitter thread is vomit-inducing.

Screenshots recently obtained show even more aggressive language being directed at women, and more targeted efforts to silence women as much as possible, while men that think they are women are framed as the victims. The women being targeted have not been mean, hateful or exclusionary to anyone in these groups. They have only taken a verbal stand for women and their sex-based rights. Some of these women are guilty only of being critical of the prostitution industry (and they are exited women) and others haven’t even said a single word in these groups. They have been removed, banned, blocked and de-platformed from speaking at some of the events because of whispers of “TERF” or “SWERF” from bullies.

Women, including elderly and disabled women, were physically harmed at recent IWD events, as mentioned earlier in this article. More hatred is being incited. Sadly, groups and individuals have now felt it necessary to warn other women about attending, or about attending alone.

A civil and well-formed response to the madness happening in these groups and mainly due to the actions of one man.

A civil and well-formed response to the madness happening in these groups and mainly due to the actions of one man.

Another reasonable and accurate response. Yes, she was banned/blocked after she made this comment.

Another reasonable and accurate response. Yes, she was banned/blocked after she made this comment.

I honestly struggle to verbalize the insanity that is the trans lobby and their rhetoric. I shake with rage at the thought of 80 year old women being shouted at and pushed down or at women in wheelchairs being surrounded, or at the numerous other displays of violence against women that occurred on IWD 2021 at the hands of entitled, ignorant trans-cult members. Why are they being applauded and praised for abusing women? How can any woman go along with this shit-show?

Stop and think! We cannot change our sex. Women are not an identity or a feeling in a man’s head. Putting on a dress, make-up and having a feminine name does not make you a woman. Having breasts surgically added to your body does not make you a woman. Having your penis surgically removed does not make you a woman. Women and girls are biologically unique to males, and no matter what you say or what you do to your body you cannot change from female to male or vice versa.

On International Women’s Day 2021, women were subjected to violence at the hands of the trans lobby and their brainwashed allies, and an Australia-wide event has been co-opted by that exact same group of aggressive and violent people. Women, we must stand together. We are allowed to exclude males. They do not have our bodies, our biology, our oppression. They are not us and can never be us. There is so much power within the female collective and men will do anything to undermine it. Wake up! Stop betraying your sisters. Let’s change the tide before the next IWD.

- Critical Thinker

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