Names That Keep Popping Up

This will be a shorter blog, but also one that will be added to over time.

I am going to post the names of companies, businesses, groups and organizations that continue to ‘pop up’ during my research on the transgender industry. I will also note patterns I pick up on regarding types of industries/businesses etc.

If you are not familiar with what I mean by “transgender industry,” I recommend checking out The Transgender Industry (in pictures) and Transgender Industry Trends in Australia.

Names of companies, businesses, organizations and groups


The Equality Project

Rainbow Families

Business & group patterns

Types of groups/businesses and other collectives I see patterns for regarding support, endorsement, sponsorship and partnership for and with the transgender industry.

Universities - birthplace of this religious ideology; providing support in various ways.

Lawyers - offering pro bono services and support through many other various ways.

Global legal & consultancy firms - providing support in many various ways.

- Critical Thinker

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The Equality Project - Part 2


The Equality Project - Part 1