Brace Yourself - It’s Pride Month

Today is the first day of June, which marks the beginning of “Pride” month.

I can hear collective sighs of frustration from across the globe, and, frankly, that is a travesty; a travesty that could have been prevented, and one that can be stopped from repeating before Pride month 2022 rolls around.

Pride month began as a single day; a day of visibility and solidarity for lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Lesbians and gays were at the forefront of the Stonewall riots, and, more importantly, they led the fight for their rights that occurred for years beforehand. A “butch” lesbian named Stormé DeLarverie is credited for starting the riot at Stonewall (along with Marsha P. Johnson, a gay man and drag queen), regardless of how many times someone tries to rewrite history. A quick google shows that the term “lesbian” was coined around 1890, and the term “transsexual” (after “transvestite”) was coined in 1949, and the term “transgender” didn’t come about until almost 100 years after “lesbian” was coined, in 1971. The Stonewall Riots were in 1969, just fyi.

Here in Australia, when the equal marriage campaigns ended (with a well-deserved victory), many mainstream lesbian and gay rights advocates and organisations had to find a way to remain relevant. Instead of switching to campaigning for the very relevant and ongoing rights issues that homosexual and bisexual women and men were facing, and continue to face to this day, many of these organisations jumped on the bandwagon of “gender identity ideology” and added the “QIA+” to the acronym and became hyper-focused on the “T,” which had been added in the late 90’s to the “LGB” acronym.

So, now, we have an industry that has taken over and monopolized a legitimate human rights movement (LGB) and the result during Pride month is absolute overkill. For crying out loud, look at the monstrosity of a flag this industry’s lobby has created:

The “new” Pride flag.

The “new” Pride flag.

I am beginning to think that the trans-industry lobby is not only out to obliterate girls & women’s sex-based rights and children’s rights, but also the legitimate fight for the rights of homosexual women & men, and to a lesser degree, bisexual women and men.

Below is a small sampling of the corporatization of, and the “transing” of, this once legitimate human rights movement.

Facebook’s intrusive advertising that consists of:a female that has mutilated her body (double mastectomy) to resemble what society requires a man to look like, and she is also wearing what seems to be sexual fetish gear. This would qualify as a man according to “gender-identity ideology.”an ambiguous figure that can be interpreted to be a crossdressing man or a drag queen, or potentially as a poor representation of a black female on testosterone (either way, it is problematic)another ambiguous figurea drag queena seemingly male homosexual coupleThere is no lesbian representation and the overall representation is fetishized, sexualized and does not represent the genuine human rights movement for homosexuals that has existed since the 60’s, or the lesbian rights movement (political/separatism) that started in the 60’s.

Facebook’s intrusive advertising that consists of:

  • a female that has mutilated her body (double mastectomy) to resemble what society requires a man to look like, and she is also wearing what seems to be sexual fetish gear. This would qualify as a man according to “gender-identity ideology.”

  • an ambiguous figure that can be interpreted to be a crossdressing man or a drag queen, or potentially as a poor representation of a black female on testosterone (either way, it is problematic)

  • another ambiguous figure

  • a drag queen

  • a seemingly male homosexual couple

    There is no lesbian representation and the overall representation is fetishized, sexualized and does not represent the genuine human rights movement for homosexuals that has existed since the 60’s, or the lesbian rights movement (political/separatism) that started in the 60’s.

Another intrusive gimmick for Pride month. This occurred when I searched “Pride month” on Google.

Another intrusive gimmick for Pride month. This occurred when I searched “Pride month” on Google.

Notice how advertising is being geared toward a younger and younger audience.

Essentially, if they make a lot of us cringe at the mere sight or suggestion of “Pride,” an alphabet acronym or a rainbow, it discredits the Pride/LGB(T) movement and alienates the majority of people from the section of our society that still faces serious human rights issues for being homosexual, bisexual and/or “gender” non-conforming. Lesbians are still being raped just because they live sexually-separated from men. Homosexual men are still being assaulted for being sexually attracted to other men. Women and men that do not subscribe to the sexist and restrictive sex-based stereotypes of their sex (AKA gender non-conforming) are still verbally and physically bullied and demeaned. In many countries, homosexual women and men are beaten, imprisoned or murdered. In some of those same countries and areas, homosexual women and men are forced to choose between potential imprisonment or death and sex-reassignment surgery.

“Gender-affirmation” IS conversion therapy, and politicians in states across Australia, and in countries across the world, are tripping over themselves to usher in legislation that demands these conversion therapy practices are practiced widely.

Wake up! See what’s being done right before your eyes, with so many people blindly applauding.

There are people that still need our support to achieve equitable rights to the rest of us that are from within the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual communities, but they are not who is being represented by the mind-numbing, sexualized, corporate propaganda we see everywhere we look in 2021.

Remind yourself, or teach yourself for the first time, about the true struggles of lesbians and gays.

Take a stand for their rights by opposing and fighting against sexism, homophobia, and the “transgender” industry, which forces conversion therapy practices on to mostly homosexual or bisexual children and adults.

Make Pride month 2021 the month you lift the trans-veil from your eyes and see the truth behind the advertising, the false suicide claims, the celebrities and the mountains of lies that are being fed to society from the trans-industry and its lobby.

Stand up and speak out for the rights of lesbians, gays and bisexuals!

Let’s get some pride back into Pride!

- Critical Thinker

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